In Quietness there is strength
I know many people who are just getting revved up after 5 hours of socializing. I love to socialize, too, but after a good amount of time with the same group, what more is there to say?
Stillness and quietness are as crucial to my life as eating and drinking.
I remember the first time I saw the scripture “…In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” Isaiah 30:15 (NKJV): This verse answered many questions I had been having.
Why didn’t I want to give my entire Saturday to volunteering?
Why didn’t I have the same desire it seemed so many others had to “help” others with my free time?
Why didn’t I crave to be connected to larger organizations and big community events?
God talks about the various spiritual gifts given to each of us according to His grace:
For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function,
So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.
Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them:
If prophecy, let us prophecy in proportion to our faith;
Or ministry (service or to serve), let us use it in our ministering;
He who teaches, in teaching
He who exhorts (to comfort, encourage, invite, call for), in exhortation.
He who gives, with liberality,
He who leads, with diligence;
He who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.
(Romans 12: 4-8)
I have noticed that the world seems to be interested mostly in three of the gifts that God gives:
Service (ministry), Leading (Leaders), and Giving (Givers).
Watch for a while, and you will see people mainly asking for your money or time. Walk into a bookstore or look at podcast titles, and you will see firsthand how important it is for everyone to be “a Leader.” And oh, could you help me in my interests and serve me somehow?
This became so exaggerated that I began to feel like something may be wrong with me or I was missing something “big” God wanted to do in my life.
Not so.
I visited Israel and saw firsthand how Jesus walked with his small group down countryside roads, frequented small villages, and spent time with people by the sea. Toward the end of his ministry, he was found in his time's main religious and crowded cities, bumping into the “leaders” of his day and interacting with them.
I love this, “And when he had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came, he was alone there.” (Matthew 14:23)
Do you like to comfort and encourage others? Do you have the God-given gift of hospitality? Do you cheerfully visit and tend to those around you with mercy and love? Are you just loving the “one” - “your neighbor” God pointed out to you, which seems so small? When your husband or power friend asks what you did this week, do you feel like you should have done “more?”
Is a walk with a friend and an encouraging word to them what you love to do? How about a cup of tea and a cupcake with a child, parent, or widow? How about dropping off flowers when no one asked you to or making that call to the person God brought to your mind this morning?
Do you feel this is not enough compared to the mountains others are moving, the companies they are building, the notoriety they are gaining, the money they are making, the followers they are gaining, and the stories they tell of grand trips and adventures?
Today, God says to you:
I am He who satisfies you; I open my hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. I hear you. I have rich fulfillment for you; come to Me, and I will give you rest, refreshment, and quiet.
You will hear My small, still voice. My sheep hear My voice, and that is enough! This is the work I have asked of you; believe in Him whom I have sent.
Even Paul said, They seemed to be something but they added nothing to me. I know those who are mine. I AM your Maker.
The gifts that God has given you, the place He has placed you, and the boundaries He has established in your life – you will know by the peace, joy, and righteousness that fills your heart as you use and walk in them. Comparing yourself with others is unwise. Ask God for His wisdom to use your gifts and He shall give it to you liberally. Do not be duped by looking at your neighbors; instead, love your neighbor (singular) in how God leads you.
Take Courage. Submit to God, Resist the Devil, and He will flee from you.
In Quietness, there is Strength.
Psalm 145:16
Psalm 66:19-20
Matthew 11:25-30
John 6:29